Play Auditions


Audition Form

Click the link to submit your choices for Wonderland Auditions
The 7th and 8th grade classes are working on research projects in their Social Studies class.  Here is a very useful link to the Perdue OWL MLA style guidelines.  I encourage you to become comfortable with these guidelines as they will be necessary in papers that you complete this year, in high school and in college!
In the 7th Grade class we have been learning about the Greek Gods and Goddesses.  There will be a test on the Pantheon of Gods next Friday (Nov. 4th).  The study guide has already been passed out, but for those of you who would like to view the video again, please click on the link below!

History Channel Video 

After watching these 3 videos try to explain why the commercial or brand might find it beneficial to find a way to fit their product commercial alongside the likeness, name or idea of a Greek God/Goddess.

After answering the above question for each video, please submit your response via e-mail at [email protected].

Then visit this site
Watch the video's and discover how different advertisers try to convince you to purchase their products.  In your notes, comment on how you agree or disagree with the experts commentary after each commercial.

After you watch the examples and listen to the experts commentary, visit this page :

After you read the examples of questions you should ask yourself about advertisements, watch the three commercials from earlier that use the likeness of the Greek Gods.  Choose one and answer the questions mentioned in the article about asking smart questions before you buy something.

HW Packets


The file for your homework packet will not upload.  Please e-mail me ( [email protected]) in order to receive the packet.  I will not be able to respond past 9pm.  The packet was handed out last week, and you should all make an effort to keep track of your assignments.  Please make sure that from now on you keep the packet you receive in class.

Ms. Cordero

IRB Project List


Attention 7th and 8th grades!  The Trimester ends on November 18th.  Your Independent Reading Book Project list is now posted under your grade level.  Please make sure you have these projects turned into me by the 10th of November.  I will post a general scoring rubric for the projects soon!  Be Creative and have fun!

Literature Test


Your literature test study guide has been uploaded.  Please review it and bring any questions you may have to class.  Also, if there is any powerpoints that you have difficulty viewing, please visit me at lunch to get the information.  Good luck, I know you will all do great :)
Here are the prompts for your 5 paragraph essays.  We will go over the handouts as well as the expectations in class.  Papers will be due on Wednesday of next week.  Please utilize peer editing (mom, dad, sister, aunt, etc.) as well as proof reading (you) strategies before formulating your FINAL draft.  This paper will be graded on two levels.  1) Content-did you answer the prompt?  Did you defend your position?  Did you find proof from the text?  2) Conventions- Spelling, grammar, subject-verb agreement, fragments, run-ons.  Please email me if you have questions!  [email protected]

7th Grade prompt:

Pick one story to read from either website.  When you have finished reading decide whether it is a legend or a fairytale, utilizing information from either powerpoint or your notes.  Write a 5 paragraph essay in which you identify 3 aspects of the story you read that explain why your chosen story is a fairytale or a legend. 

8th Grade prompt:
Utilizing information from the lesson on Conflict (revisit the powerpoint on Conflict), decide which type of conflict is more prominent in Flowers for Algernon (man vs. man or man vs. nature).  Identify 3 examples from the text that help prove that this is the predominant type of conflict and explain why they successfully support your decision on conflict. 
7th and 8th Grade, your second Homework packets have been uploaded.  If you need a second copy please download it from under your appropriate grade page!  I Hope you have all been enjoying your weekend!  See you Monday :)

Ms. Cordero
Just a reminder to all 7th and 8th grade students.  On Wednesday you will have a vocabulary and grammar quiz.  All content has been covered in class.  I have also posted the power points and packets under your respective grade on my website.  For those of you eager to revisit the "word usage" slides, I am having a technical malfunction with that presentation.  So don't worry about that material for your test.   I know you will all do great!

Also, please do not forget to bring your Independent Reading Books, and drafts for peer editing.  You can't have a peer edit without a draft, and without a peer edit you can not receive full points on your 5 paragraph essay.  Also, as a reminder your essay is due on Thursday :)  If you have a question please e-mail me!

Ms. Cordero